Gazelle Information Technologies

About Supply Chain SCARE Score - Supply Chain Sustainability Calculation and Analysis for Relentless Efficiency Score

What is SCARE?

Supply Chain SCARE Score refers to Supply Chain Sustainability Calculation and Analysis for Relentless Efficiency Score. It is an assessment that helps monitor your supply chain sustainability & efficiency and assists you in overcoming the challenges arising in your supply chain. It helps organizations to minimize the supply chain risk and increases efficiency thereby optimizing costs.

How did we Develop Assessment?

Gazelle conducted enormous research on 20+ industries and 670+ businesses across 21 Functional Domains to develop the supply chain assessment for organizations, researchers, and businesses. Our assessment monitors your supply chain in nearly 21 supply chain functional domains and identifies areas which need specific focus and improvement.

How to Read Your SCARE Score

You can read your SCARE score by taking an assessment and then seeing where you stand on the SCARE ladder. An assessment test will help you figure out your SCARE score and identify where exactly is the scope and room for improvement.

SCARE Ladder

With the help of the supply chain sustainability and efficiency calculation, you can take an assessment and get to know where your business stands on the SCARE ladder. If unsatisfactory, you can locate the problem areas and work on those to make your supply chain more sustainable and efficient.

Take Your SCARE Assessment Now

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