Case Study of Dynamic QR Code Based Trace & Track System
The Client
* Largest Steel Manufacturer of India
Business Challenge
*End to end tracking of product like coils, plates, bars.
*Use one QR code at plant and then keep on adding information to it without pasting new bar code
*Robust, non destroyable label
*Tracking of product by location in the yards
*Automating the yard invoicing process
Result Generated
* Integrated seamless process flow
* Reduced chances of pilferage at yard
Key Engagement Information
- Created dynamic QR codes that displayed additional information as it was added – same qr code updated with wagon number, quality reports, bay number and location in Yard, Invoice
- QR code labels printed on material that withstands heat, rain, rough handling
- Able to accurately track location in a yard. Guided on google maps to the product
- Integrated to ERP/SAP for seamless process flow
- Reduced chances of pilferage at yard
- Possibility of automating the entire process for the transporter in the yard through a kiosk
- Solution included QR code printers, Scanners, Labels, Integration to SAP
from the horse's mouth!
Gazelle demonstrated very deep domain knowledge in the areas of Supply Chain optimization and developed our Pan India Beer Sourcing model that helped us realize multiple opportunities of reduction in the total Sourcing costs under complicated business constraints…

Conducted Workshops
to understand the efficiencies of Tyre Distribution and Service Levels
Pan India Study
for Benchmark Report of the Distribution Network and processes of all major competitors in India
Modeling Distribution
secondary distribution process taking into account the RDC’s, C&F’s and distributor locations
Optimising Distribution
using multiple decision variables, objective functions and constraints for replacement market for the Farm and Consumer PBUs
Scenario Simulation
with the purpose of cost reduction so as to check if the plan is working or not
Reporting Cost Reduction
of overall Supply Chain cost upto 35% for Farm and 17% for Consumer PBUs
Gazelle Insights
Practical Demand Forecasting
Check how to reduce excess inventory & to reduce shadow demand with Practical Framework for Demand Forecasting.
Block Chain Shipment Tracking
Check how Supply chain shipment tracking using ethereum blockchain based smart contracts is changing Supply Chain
Impact of GST
Check how GST will impact the domestic industry with Case Study, Modelling and understanding various implications.
Looking to Optimise your Supply Chain?