When you pay at the cash register, the merchant displays a square image that has an irregular pattern. It’s a Quick …
Companies all across the world are adopting cutting-edge methods to increase output while decreasing complexity as a direct result of the speed …
Thermochromic QR codes are an interesting mix of regular QR codes and thermochromic technology. When the temperature changes they can change color …
In a time when fake products are expected both companies and consumers are always anxious about maintaining real things. Anti-counterfeiting QR codes …
Semiconductor and other high-tech companies are at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies. Despite that, many still lag in a crucial digital transformation …
Semiconductor markets were solid and predictable a few years ago. In a fast-changing environment, the industry needs help to bring in more …
The corporation plans to increase procurement from India to reduce supply chain risk. Boeing currently imports $1 billion’s worth of supplies from …
GEODIS, a well-known global logistics provider, opened its sixth strategic control tower in Bangalore for its Supply Chain Optimization Line of Business, …
Delhi: Market trackers predict a component shortage for Indian smartphone makers by the middle of next month if China’s COVID case rise …