Gazelle Information Technologies

LookAhead - Practical Framework for Demand Forecasting by Gazelle

Supply Chain Covid Projects

Demand forecasting is used by many organizations globally to predict the requirement of the right product at the right place and the right time. The objective is very simple, to reduce excess inventory and to reduce shadow demand.

However, it has been noticed in many a places, there are many factors like lack of available data  etc., which make it inappropriate to just fit a forecasting software to generate a sales forecast. It has been observed that the forecast by doing so, is very poor in accuracy even at the depot level.


Enter 'LookAhead': The holistic people, process and technology framework

Our LookAhead Supply Chain Product driven forecasting solution adopts a framework that proposes:

  • To set up the processes and manage the change
  • To provide technology to capture tertiary sales data, sales forecasting, supply planning, dispatch planning and analytics
  • To provide a planner on demand service to run the entire solution
  • And can finally make all this available as a subscription based service with cloud accessible software minimizing CAPEX and increasing ROI.

Key Domains that LookAhead forecasting can be helpful

Consumer Durables

Food & Beverages


Specific FMCG

Looking to implement LookAhead in your organisational supply chain planning?

Key Scenario's suited to adopt LookAhead Solution

Lack of Availability of Data

Most organisations have limited data at the tertiary level (distributor to retailer) and at the end consumer level and hence forecasting becomes difficult

No Collaborative Planning Process

even very mature and large organizations, do not have an established collaborative planning process. The concept of S&OP is not followed in the true sense

Limited Statistical Forecasting

Organisations have limited understanding of how statistical forecasting can be used to generate a baseline forecast that can be moderated upon.

Whitepaper on Practical Framework for Demand Forecasting in India

Highlights of LookAhead Framework

Looking to implement LookAhead in your organisational supply chain planning?

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